Pregnancy-Friendly Salmon & Kale Burgers

Out of all the foods I recommend during pregnancy, fish is one of my top choices. I’ve combined some low mercury salmon with fresh kale, onions and chives to create these tasty burgers that will nourish you and your baby


With widespread concern about mercury-content, many pregnant women are put off fish and shellfish all together, or restrict their intake. There are certain fish that are high in mercury, and should be avoided, but many other types of fish are perfectly safe and are incredibly beneficial during pregnancy. And even if you’re not pregnant, increasing your fish intake is beneficial for both your physical and mental health.

Why is fish important during pregnancy?

Cold water fatty fish are particularly beneficial during pregnancy due to their high content of omega 3 fat, Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA has been shown to help lower inflammation and improve cognitive function in newborns. Fish is also a great source of protein, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D (most pregnant women are deficient), iron, selenium and zinc. Fatty fish also contains iodine – requirements for this nutrient go up 50% during pregnancy. Iodine is needed for normal thyroid function in both mama and baby.  

Good low mercury options include salmon, anchovies, flounder, haddock, hake and sardines. For shellfish, shrimp, oysters, clams and crab are all safe choices. If you’re pregnant, avoid raw seafood and make sure it is cooked properly before consuming.


Makes 4 medium-sized patties

For this burger I used pre-cooked, Safe Catch Wild Pacific Pink Salmon. Unlike most other brands, Safe Catch tests every single salmon for mercury levels. The fish is also sustainably caught, additive free, and has a high retention of omega 3 fatty acids (more on that below). For veggies, I used kale and onions, but feel free to use up whatever is in your fridge!

9-10 oz cooked or canned salmon
2 eggs
½ cup regular plain breadcrumbs
¼ cup chopped chives
½ onion
1 cup kale
1 teaspoon salt (reduce to ¼ teaspoon or to taste if using canned salmon)
1 teaspoon ground pepper

1 tbsp sour cream
Wholegrain bun


1.      Wash and finely dice kale into small slithers, add to large bowl

2.      Peel and finely dice onion, add to bowl with kale

3.      Flake the salmon. If using canned salmon, remove any bones or skin. Add salmon, eggs, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and chives to bowl. Mix thoroughly. Form into 4 patties.

4.      Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large nonstick skillet. Cook the burgers for about 5 minutes on each side or until browned and slightly crisp.

Serve on top of a delicious bed of greens or your favorite bun! For those watching their blood sugar, I recommend a lettuce wrap or half a wholegrain bun to lower carbs and increase fiber.

 Approx nutritional value per burger (without bun or sour cream): 200kcals, 4g fat, 775mg sodium, 13g carb, 21g protein, 16mcg Vit D, 2.3g iron, 72mg calcium


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