Nutrition & Health Blog
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10 Things I Learned in my First Year of Motherhood
It has been a wild year – full of ups, downs and steep learning curves. Here are some of the things I have gleaned.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Lose Your Body Weight
Trying to lose your baby weight? You are not alone. It is one of the most common questions I get asked. There is no one answer to losing your baby weight but there are some common mistakes to avoid. Read on to find out more

Postpartum Recovery Tips for New Mamas
Being a new mom is so hard. After working with hundreds of pregnant women over the years, I’ve come to appreciate that no one’s journey to motherhood is exactly alike. The same goes for the postpartum period. Here are some of my top tips for the fourth trimester

Postpartum Hair Loss & What You Can Do About It
Your body changes in lots of weird and unexpected ways after having a baby. One change that I wasn’t prepared for at all was my hair falling out. And it wasn’t just a few strands here and there. Large clumps accumulated in the shower drain for WEEKS.